Robert Oster Shake‘n Shimmy inks will lift your handwriting into a next level of sophistication. Robert Oster Shake‘n Shimmy inks are made with gold or silver dust. The colours are composed as only Robert Oster can. The packaging is re-useable as always.
Shake the bottle before filling and waggle your pen gently to move the gold or silver dust around. Clean your pen the same way as you would do with regular ink. Rinse with water and leave your pen to dry. If there is still some gold or silver dust left behind your next ink will get a twinkle of shimmer but not for long !
Derek wrote 7 years ago:
Well what can I say, this ink is simply stunning!
Such a rich colour and a beautiful shimmer, I’ve already half emptied the pen I filled with it
It is by far the nicest of the RO Shake’n Shimmy inks that I have, which shouldn’t detract from the beauty of the others, but only go to show just how stunning this ink really is!
Derek wrote 7 years ago:
Well what can I say, this ink is simply stunning!
Such a rich colour and a beautiful shimmer, I’ve already half emptied the pen I filled with it
It is by far the nicest of the RO Shake’n Shimmy inks that I have, which shouldn’t detract from the beauty of the others, but only go to show just how stunning this ink really is!
I only wish I’d bought more than one bottle!