Glass pens work much the same as traditional dip pens, but they are made of glass. Dip the glass nib into the inkpot, and the grooves will fill with ink. Then you write or draw a few lines. Most of the time, glass pens provide a wet medium to the broad line and give a good color impression as if used in a fountain pen. Cleaning a glass pen is super simple: rinse it in water and dry it with a paper towel. That’s it.
Note: Some inks don’t work with glass pens. It is trial and error, but since glass pens are easy to clean, you can test several inks in no time.
Glass pens are made of GLASS. They can get damaged. Store them horizontally or with the nib upright. When necessary, you can tune the tip with a manicure file, one with six sides. Use the softest parts to adjust the tip a little.