
Sailor Samurai Ujigawa

Written by Catherine on Thursday 9 February 2023 in Japanese pens

Sailor presents the fourth fountain pen Samurai King of Pen Battle of Ujigawa. Ikki Moroiki realized a beautiful Maki-e animated fountain pen in Togidashi Taka Maki-e. This piece of art comes in an urushi lacquered box with a Maki-e design. Only 33 pieces worldwide.


Sailor Seikkei ebonite limited edition.

Written by Catherine on Wednesday 8 February 2023 in Japanese pens

Sailor Seikei is a limited edition King of Pen made of high-quality Japanese ebonite. Seikei refers to snowy scenery as in the Ukiyo-e print Snowy Muko-Jima of Kawase Hasui. The ebonite of this Seikei is laminated ebonite. A production process in which different colors are built up layer by layer until the desired mass and shape is obtained. Therefore it is possible to observe pin holes or tiny particles in the material, but it adds all to the character of the ebonite.

These pens are very popular due to their exquisite ebonite and unique colors. We only choose the NMF nib sizes since these are more suitable for the western writing style.



Namiki Yukari Bush Clover Limited Edition 2023

Written by Catherine on Friday 27 January 2023 in Japanese pens

Bush Clover, Hagi in Japanese, has been one of the seven favorite flowers of Autumn since antiquity. It grows naturally in the mountains and decorates the most beautiful Asian gardens of today, such as that of Mukôjima Hyakkaen in Tokyo. It is  appreciated for its gentle, wild, and unpretentious beauty. More than 100 poems are dedicated to it in the oldest book of Japanese poetry, the Man’yoshu, dating from the 7th century.

On the Namiku Yukari Bush Clover Yukari limited edition fountain pen, the shimmering Hagi is illuminated by moonlight and delicately treated in silver Maki-e and red lacquer. In the background, the undergrowth takes the form of magnificent traditional fans realized with a grey lacquer and gold powder.  This fountain pen will be distributed in 300 copies worldwide but only 70 pieces are available for Europe. Expected April '23!


Midori Kami Spring stationery '23 .

Written by Catherine on Friday 20 January 2023 in Notebooks & Paper

Midori Kami Stationery Spring '23 brought us a bunch of lovley spring flowers with Flowering Dogwood, Violets, Early Spring flowers with hyacinth, ranunculus, and mimosa and of course not to miss Cherry Blossoms. Midori stationery is always a treat!


Sailor Nihon Ookami to Gekkou or Wolf in Moonlight!

Written by Catherine on Wednesday 7 September 2022 in Japanese pens

Sailor Pen is pleased to announce the second limited edition fountain pen in the series Dobutsu to Gekkou - animals in the Moonlight - by Makie artist Ikki Moroike. Only 50 pieces made for the world, this latest limited edition is called Sailor KOP Nihon Ookami to Gekkou, Japanese wolf in the Moonlight.


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Catherine Van Hove
+32 486 80 95 96


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