Tsubame Tokyo Skytree and Red Bank Paper.
New in the LIFE section are the lovely Tsubame Tokyo Skytree notebooks in B5 and A5 size. We added also the LIFE Red Bank Paper. A lot to discover !
Bindewerk notebooks !
We were missing some decorative notebooks with, of course, fountain pen fiendly paper. The German brand Bindewerk fulfills all our wishes : notebooks with fine Fedrigoni paper and covers in particular patterns and colour combinations. Enjoy !
Field Notes notebooks
I introduced Field Notes memobooks in the Sakura FP Gallery. It just seemed fun to have these little US made notebooks in Belgium. They owe their existence to a tradition of promotional memo books distributed to American farmers over the last hundred years by seed, tractor and agriculture companies. Todays “Field Notes” are everyday companions and they fit in a tuxedo, a greasy leather jacket, ski or even your jungle outfit !